Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Blessing, Glory, Honor, Power, Might and Dominion be to the most high God and a great big, “Greetings!” to each of you. We pray this note finds you joyful in your soul as you walk in love with Jesus. And we pray you are not in pain today and your frame is at peace today as you journey toward that blessed morning when our Lord and Savior gives you a new glorified body. What a day that will be!
How privileged Dar and I are to be called to a ministry devoted to sharing the Good News of Christ’s gift of eternal salvation – salvation by grace to all who would put their faith in the Redeemer. Our materials and resources are produced and made available for free to staff and volunteers of nursing homes with a view toward the spiritual well-being of the residents they serve. We count it our duty to encourage God’s little ones in their faith in Him as they face the struggles of their later years.
We are spurred on by the joy and comfort we draw from the memories of the multitudes of elderly saints whom we have been honored to minister to in long-term care settings. We have witnessed many residents blossoming in their last days in their love and trust in Jesus Christ.
For those who think nursing home ministry is a waste of time (we’ve met many), we say, “We understand why they feel that way. But we do grieve for them.” The problem may be that the Lord Jesus didn’t call them to this great mission field and they forget that He can and does call and empower others to minister there. And we must also testify: “We marvel at how the Lord pours Himself out to these who are often marginalized and forsaken by the world outside their facility.” What a marvel and what a huge blessing it is to witness the presence of the Holy Spirit “moving about in the room” touching hearts with praise and adoration as we sing together classic hymns of worship to Him.
If you are one of those that God has touched to be sensitive to His love and compassion for the widows and orphans of nursing homes, we pray He bless you with a renewed zeal and vision for your ministry. The ministry of Christian Concourse is here to help you in any way we can. If you have not been to our website lately, we invite you to browse our site thoroughly and help yourself. Call us if you see something we can help you with.
Thanks for taking the time to read our letter. And, we thank each of you who pray for us and those who are able to support this work financially. Blessings to all as you follow Christ thru each day!
Love, in the Lord Jesus,

Jerry and Dar Johnson