Dear Friends:
Greetings to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ! What a blessing and honor for us to share this little letter with you. You have shown kindness to us and to those who benefit in their walk with the Lord from the activities and materials and tools and resources of Christian Concourse. We thank you and we pray Father God bless you for the investment you have made through your prayers and your support of this nursing home ministry.
The precious souls to whom the Lord has called us to minister are a lot like us – they need strength for each day. Strength to hold their tongue when their feelings are hurt. Strength to look on the bright side of things when everything seems to be falling apart. Strength to keep their heart focused on the love of our heavenly Father when love around them is wanting.
Our materials and resources are prayerfully produced with a desire that they be a catalyst in God’s hands for sparking and strengthening faith in Christ Jesus. As many of you know, in 2020 we introduced our Christian adult coloring book entitled, “God’s Love and Grace.” Here are samples of two pages:

As you turn the pages in the book, you will find that each left page is a meditation related to the message contained in the coloring page on the right. Each page is 8 ½” by 11″. We have produced this booklet to be another tool to encourage and strengthen the hearts of His children, especially those among the elderly and infirm.
So far, we have distributed hundreds of these coloring books locally and across the nation. In addition, we know that many, many copies have been downloaded from our website. They are very popular with both staff and residents as they entertainingly engage productive spiritual, mental and motor faculties alike.
Here is a suggestion: you may know someone who is elderly, someone who is shut-in by the pandemic or bed-bound by ill health or a resident in long-term care. We would love for you to make a list of these family members, friends, neighbors and acquaintances who might like a copy of their own. Communicate to us how many you could use and we will mail them to you free of charge (include with your request any other of our materials that you would like to pass along to them). You may be the agent God sends to be the encouragement they need in their relationship with Him. Of course, if you would like your own copy we would be happy to hear of that too!
We look forward to hearing from you and we thank you again for your love to us.
In Christ,

Special thanks:
The coloring pages of our
coloring booklet are provided
compliments of