Greetings Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Praise the Lord! We have completed the first and second of three DVDs in our series entitled, Praise to Our Redeemer prepared especially for use in nursing home ministry. The first DVD used our photos and videos taken in Arizona during our travels there just before the pandemic struck. This second DVD uses photos and videos we have accumulated over the last few years from excursions into the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. The nine hymns on each DVD are taken from our booklet, Hymns of Our Redeemer. For the music, we used the vocal and instrumental versions of our accompaniment CDs prepared for use with the hymn booklet.
The format is simple. Each hymn begins with a vocal version taken from the CD. The hymns are sung just like they are in the booklet. Then we follow this with the instrumental version of the hymn during which we read Scriptures that we feel are expressive of the ideas and truths highlighted in the words of the hymn.
These DVDs are an excellent tool for personal devotionals. Please feel free to contact us for your free copies of the DVDs if you think you may benefit from meditating on the favorite hymns and scriptures in the videos. There are full samples of a few of the hymns on each DVD on our website: Comforting Words of Grace – Praise to Our Redeemer – The Birth of Christ
Incidently, if you would like to access all of our videos (over 90 now) you can find them at:
On this website, in addition to the videos, you will find (for free):
◊ Giant-print, downloadable versions of the hymns in Favorite Hymns of Grace.
◊ Giant-print, downloadable versions of the hymns in Hymns of Our Redeemer.
◊ Giant-print, downloadable versions of the hymns in Christian Christmas Carols.
◊ Downloadable “mp3’s” of our accompaniment music for all three booklets:
Favorite Hymns of Grace Music Downloads
Hymns of Our Redeemer Music Downloads
Christian Christmas Carols Music Downloads
◊ A handbook for volunteers ministering in nursing homes.
◊ A handbook to help staff implement Christian ministry in long-term care facilities.
◊ Downloadable devotionals prepared specially for long-term care ministry.
◊ Downloads of all the pages of our coloring book, God’s Love and Grace.
◊ Downloadable Worship Service Programs.
◊ Downloadable Memorial Service Programs.
…and more! And these are in addition to the materials you can order for free by mail.
O dear friends, we are so honored to make these resources available to Christians volunteering and working in nursing home ministry! We praise God for His strength and His guidance as we have labored to develop these tools over the past years. And we are humbled to think of the sacrifices so many of you have made to share your finances and your prayers with us for this mission field. We pray God’s richest blessings for each of you.