There may be times you would really like to photo or video or record a resident of a long-term care center. There are legal considerations if you want to do this. For guidance in this, you must seek professional legal counsel. Sometimes, it may be that the care facility has policies in place that accommodate the legalities. In any case, we urge you to get the approval of the appropriate employed staff of the facility before taking any pictures, making any videos, or recording any voices or sounds at the facility. If you have satisfied legal counsel and the staff, and if it will serve your purposes, you are welcome to use the following form. [We are trying to be vague here for a reason! This is not legal counsel – We just know that you can get into a lot of trouble, innocently, if you are not careful with photos, etc., in a care facility.]
Below is a picture of the Consent Form.
Under the picture is a link to download the “.PDF” of the Consent Form.