Scripture Cross-Word Puzzles

Here are collections of downloadable cross-word puzzles that use scriptures from the Bible as their source. Answer Key Sheets are also provided for download. You will notice that all of these puzzles are focused on some particular section, theme and/or book of the Bible. Each clue in each puzzle has the reference in the Bible book from which the clue was taken. We would consider it more beneficial as a Scripture study tool if the puzzle worker looked up the answers in the Bible references and used the Answer Key Sheets as a last resort.

This is another on-going Christian Concourse Ministry project aimed at blessing our long-term care population with tools to help them focus on God’s Word. Our experience is that cross-word puzzles are very popular among many seniors and shut-ins. Unless stated otherwise, we fashion our puzzles around passages in the King James Version (some lightly edited for clarity to the modern reader). More to follow – by God’s grace!

NOTE: If you find any mistakes or you have comments please let us know. Thanks! And enjoy!

Cross-Word Puzzles: Jesus’ Words in John’s Gospel

Cross-Word Puzzles: Psalms of Comfort

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