Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Donations are greatly appreciated and vital to sustain this work! Please do not assume that someone else is taking care of it. Prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you do. Christian Concourse is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation registered since 1994 with the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Virginia. Financial support for this Christian ministry comes from those who see what we do and want to support it. We are not underwritten or endowed by formal agreement with any denomination or group. Also, please note that no donation is accepted as payment or in consideration for any product or service which we may provide. Our materials are authored, produced and distributed expressly for the benefit of the elderly and infirm, especially those in long-term care settings. We are asking volunteers, staff and Christian ministers to help us place them freely in their hands. As far as we are concerned, all offerings are completely between you and how you feel the Lord Jesus is leading you in your charitable giving. Certainly, we are honored by your prayerful consideration.
Send your donation via the U. S. Mail.
For our contact information …..CLICK HERE…..
Most importantly, please remember us in your prayers.
We would be honored to hear from you if you have any questions.
Include a return address with your tax-deductible gift so that we may send you a receipt.