Dear Family of God,
We greet you as our brothers and sisters in Christ, grateful for your kindness and your care for us. It does not escape us how much we depend on your concern for this little ministry and the field of long-term care that we endeavor to minister to. We do not take for granted your prayers and your material support that graphically communicates your love for us and for the elderly and infirm population of nursing homes. Each of you have a part in whatever we are able to accomplish in this mission field. Thank you from the bottom of our heart.
Dar is doing remarkably well with her new bionic shoulder! She is like a joyful child when she notices she is able to do something with that arm that she could not do before the operation. We praise God for His healing power and we thank each of you who lifted up a prayer to Him on her behalf. Though other joints in her body still complain, this degree of relief that our heavenly Father has granted her is certainly refreshing!
We have completed three of our videos, “Praise to Our Redeemer Devotionals.” The fourth video, centered around the hymn “God Leads Us Along,” is still in draft stage, but it is taking shape. The process of producing one of these ministry tools is not simple or easy, but it is awfully rewarding to complete one and put it up on our website for distribution.
As nursing home ministry catches up with technology, it is our prayer that these humble devotionals will prove a great blessing to many care center residents who struggle in their faith with little daily outside encouragement. We place these videos and all the nursing home ministry materials we produce in our Father’s hands…like a little boy’s lunch box. We lean completely on the Holy Spirit to take our “few loaves and fishes” and use them to bless weary hearts and minds with His strength and truth and love.
We can be sure that Jesus Christ, our Savior and Master, is keenly aware of each of His children who call a care facility their home. He knows exactly where they are and what they need. It is out of our walk with Him that we produce the hymn booklets, the Scripture booklets, the music CDs, the music DVDs, the Christian coloring books, the written devotionals and the video devotional DVDs, etc. Our efforts are focused to make all of these products founded on His written Word. It is our immense privilege to walk along with Him to produce these Christian ministry tools for our elderly and infirm brothers and sisters. And, again, we sincerely thank each of you for your help!
Love in Christ,

Jerry and Dar Johnson