Dear Friends,
As we close out the books on the year 2022, we are humbled and stirred by the evidence of your care for Dar and me and for the long-term care population of our great nation to whom we seek to minister. This evidence takes the form of your financial support, certainly. We thank you sincerely, for the sacrifice of your kind generosity. And beside this demonstration of your love for others, there is the evidence of your priceless prayers on our behalf as we are sustained in this mission field! HERE IS THE INESTIMABLE AID YOU AFFORD US: your intercession and prayers for us and for those living and working and ministering in the nursing home arena. God answers prayer!
“Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman wakes in vain.” Psalm 127:1
We all know how easy it is to take for granted the LORD’s intervention on our behalf. We eat with little awareness of all the chemical and muscular systems that come into play to digest our food that God has built into and oversees in our bodies. We do not know how many cars we have safely passed on the road that were driven by people incapacitated for one reason or the other. We do not know what a blessing it was for God to NOT grant some of our prayers. We do not know, nor do we remember all the “little prayers” we have quietly breathed out of compassion for someone in trouble that God responded to in His sovereign mercy and power. And of the most personal importance, we do not know all the sincere prayers of compassion and affection sent heavenward by our family, friends and acquaintances on our behalf that God has answered in part through their intercession!
Many of you have told us over the years that you pray for us every day! We consider it a wondrous gift that someone has prayed for us once! We can easily imagine that there have been many times that Dar and I were the beneficiaries of others crying out to God for us…NO, not just “many times”…DAILY!
Do you have lost loved ones whom you carry on your heart for them to surrender to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How about neighbors, friends, fellow workers, people in the news? Do you pray for them? More than likely, when you think of them, sometimes you do whisper a plea to God on their behalf. We may never know the impact of our weakest prayers until we reach the other side!
Let me tell you, this nursing home ministry has been sustained purely by the mercy and grace of God Almighty! And He has said: “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” (Jeremiah 33:3) Oh, how exciting this life with Christ is!
Please know, we deeply appreciate each donation, and we value above all, the prayers sent to the throne-room of Heaven on our behalf. Thank you. May God richly bless each one of you!
Love in Christ: