Dear Friends:
This month this letter is going out to all our donors who gave this past year into the work of Christian Concourse. Support of our missionary effort in the field of nursing home ministry is a great encouragement to us. In very practical ways the generosity represented in each gift affords us the wherewithal to reach into the lives of the elderly and infirm of care facilities all over our nation. We do not take lightly the sacrifice and the prayers and the love that each contribution represents. We want you to know that we thank each of you, sincerely, for your care. Your kindness is a vital supply for us to be able to accomplish the tasks that we feel the Lord Jesus has given us to do on behalf of our elders who reside in a long-term care setting.
We pass this empowerment on to many other nursing home ministers in the form of several tools that they can use in the exercise of their service for the King. We do not keep meticulous records of how many volunteers and facility staff members there are who use our materials each day, week and month…we just keep sending them out as fast as we can.
Our first Christian hymn booklet, “Our Hymn Book” was originally distributed beginning in 2002! As a testimony to the durability of these little tools for ministry, we occasionally get a phone call from someone who wants more “Our Hymn Book” booklets to replace the worn copies they have been using for more than twenty years! We delight in sharing with them all the new and varied resources available to them by mail and by downloading from our website. For example:
• A Handbook for Volunteers
• A Handbook for Staff
• “A Short Primer on Nursing Home Ministry”
• Two large print hymn booklets with 27 favorite hymns, 3 pages of Scriptures and a summary of the Gospel in each.
• An instrumental accompaniment CD for each hymn booklet
• A vocal accompaniment CD for each hymn booklet
• Two DVD sets of videos that mirror the hymns in each hymn booklet
• A “Christian Christmas Carol” booklet with accompaniment CDs and a DVD
• Two large print scripture booklets
• “Guidelines for Nursing Home Visitation”
• Worship Service and Memorial Service Programs
• Nursing Home Ministry Devotionals
• All of our large print booklets are downloadable in giant print.
And much, much more – see the menu at the top of this and every page
on this website to access these and all our other
FREE resources and materials.
All of our resources and materials developed especially for use in long-term care ministry are provided without charge – some by U. S. postal service, some by download from this website.
We consider it a wonderful privilege to be involved in the great river of Christian ministry going forth into the long-term care mission field all over the U. S. A. Is there need for more ministry and ministers in this arena? Absolutely! Are there areas in which there is no Christian witness? Sadly, yes! But we can say that the Christian volunteer or staff member who reaches out to us for help almost always hangs the phone up “amazed” and thankful for finding us. We are “amazed” as we discharge with great pleasure the wonderful assignment our Lord has called us to and who has empowered us to do it. And our supporters are a vital link in that whole process. We thank you and we praise our Father God for His care and provision through your generosity!
Love in Christ,

Jerry and Dar Johnson