Kind Friends,
Dar and I greet you with joy in our hearts, thanksgiving on our minds and praise on our lips for the wonderful life Jesus has given His people. We pray you are full of His grace to overflowing today – overflowing into the suffering and sadness in the world around us. Surely, if all we do is look around us we will be overwhelmed with the struggles and the pain. But may God give each of us the strength to lift our eyes to gaze on the beauty and the peace and the love we find with our minds stayed on Him. When we trust Him and obey Him, as the song says, we will find the abiding happiness that the world finds so elusive. He told us that without Him we can do nothing! Hallelujah! The truth certainly sets us free. We don’t have to drum up some kind of hocus-pocus trance to find harmony with the universe. We simply need the Holy Spirit welling up inside us flooding us with the love of God – God’s love to us and God’s love through us to the hurting lives we cross paths with. The Father delights to shower such gifts upon His children, if only we will sincerely ask. And, as we are faithful, over time, we will sing the hymn with deep feeling: “Sweeter as the years go by!”
We’ve been busy and are blessed with another resource in our toolbox! It’s a Christian adult coloring book, sized at 8½” X 11″. This is 34 pages of scriptures and short, simple devotionals with large illustrations that are designed for coloring. A Christ-centered coloring book is a great gift to the many nursing home residents who are sequestered in their rooms – day after day – hour after lonely hour. It is helpful for them to have something like this to pass the time and simultaneously find encouragement for their faith in Jesus.
We hope to begin printing in earnest soon. We are not yet sure how we will be distributing the printed copies. Hopefully, an online version will be worked out before too long. Stay tuned!

We ask for your prayers as we continue to look for ways to be a blessing to the long-term care arena in the face of the lingering COVID-19 concerns. And we thank each of you who have kindly helped us with your gifts. Your support is vital to sustain the outreach of our work.
With Christian Love,

Jerry and Dar Johnson