Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Happy “Hello’s” to all on this beautiful, sunny, warm, early summer day in the great metroplexity of Hampton Roads, Virginia! Isn’t life in Christ exciting?! Who would have ever expected, for sure, for all of us to be lumbering along through the swamp of a lingering pandemic in the year 2020? We know it is worse on some than on others, but the economic and social impact of the necessary precautions that our culture is enduring is affecting all of us. It is a good thing we know Jesus! …or else we may be overwhelmed with the fear and dread and drudgery of it all.
Indeed, how priceless is our faith in God now?! As we bumble along thru our new “normal” day, may we stop often to ignore the unpleasantries and be reminded to “Count Your Blessings!”
We could say the greatest blessing is the saving grace of God that He has bestowed on us through His kindness and His patience afforded us by our simple faith in the redeeming sacrifice of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Surely, we can sing with gusto, “Love Lifted Me!”
As we think about it, may we well up with gratitude and exclaim, “My Jesus, I Love Thee!”
Through each troublesome day, through the danger of life-threatening infection, let us recognize the Father’s gracious hand in our circumstances as “God Leads Us Along…”
…ever mindful that a great victory and relief awaits us “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder.”
Dear Jesus, by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in my heart, please, “Open Mine Eyes,” that I may see wonderful joys and enlightenment in the Way, the Truth, and the Life recorded in Your priceless written Word, our precious Holy Bible.
Of course we look forward to a home in heaven, but even in our aloneness, even in the mundane cycles of our sequestered life let us ask, “why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come, why should my heart be lonely, and long for heav’n and home, when Jesus is my portion? My constant Friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me!”
Oh, the comfort, the encouragement, the strength…“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross!”
Father God, Lord Jesus Christ, precious abiding Holy Spirit…in these days of social upheaval, solitude and danger, keep me “Near the Cross!!!”
These are the nine favorite hymns in the first DVD in our new series, “Praise to Our Redeemer.” It is ready for distribution. These three DVDs are using the 27 favorite hymns in our hymn booklet, “Hymns of Our Redeemer.” Eight months in the making, this rendering uses photos and videos selected from over 1800 taken on our trip to Arizona last year. The first three DVDs in our series, “Comforting Words of Grace,” took us one year each to complete. This one took us four months less to finish because we have been able to really concentrate on it as we “stay at home” during the virus threat.
In the mean time, we continue to produce and send out our ministry materials and find creative ways to distribute “care packages” for the elderly and infirm as we adjust to this new environment in which to do nursing home ministry. We are encouraged by the Lord to press on. Thanks to each of you for your faithfulness to strengthen us through your prayers and your giving. We pray the Lord reward you greatly from His riches in heaven in Christ Jesus!

Jerry and Dar Johnson