Dear Family,
Dar and I greet you with deep gratitude in our hearts for your kind generosity in supporting this mission to the long-term care arena with your financial donations and your prayers. Sometimes we get all tangled up in the nuts and bolts of ministry and it is in those times we most poignantly need and feel the strength your support affords us – the confidence that we are afloat financially, and the spiritual undergirding that your intercession on our behalf supplies.
Somehow, God knows, the printing machines have come and gone, the bank account has fluctuated at times, we have fought personal battles with illness and injury, family pressures have risen and fallen, we have moved the printing operation five times, some of our closest relatives have gone on to Glory, we have slogged through the rebuilding of our home to make room for an ailing parent, kept up the maintenance on our property, owned 10 cars and trucks that have come and gone, waded through almost two years of a tragic pandemic…and here we are just as content and joyful in the Lord as we can be. We lay no claim on our own invincibility, but we are learning more and more everyday about our Heavenly Father’s faithfulness and supply; as Paul puts it, “…I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content (Philippians 4:11).” And, this fact is not lost on us: that you, our Christian family, are the agents that allow God to use you in writing the checks and bowing your heads in prayer for us.
In this season of thanksgiving, here is the inscription on the banner of our gratitude: We have never taken a request for the materials that we offer for free and not been able to fill the order! We have never had a bill incurred by the ministry that we have not been able to pay! Untold tens of thousands of elderly and infirm citizens have found, and (as you read this note) are finding, encouragement and challenge in their faith in Christ though this labor of love!
So, you can join with us in giving God all the praise, all the glory, and all the thanksgiving for these wonderful consequences of your partnership with us in your financial giving and your prayers. And we most certainly thank you too, and we pray God’s blessings of the riches of His grace to you in your finances, in your relationships, in your body, in your soul, in your spirit, and in your daily walk with Him!
We are honored to announce the completion of the third hymn (“Jesus Paid It All,” six more to go.) to be included in our final DVD in the series, Praise to Our Redeemer. This DVD features the last nine hymns in our hymn booklet entitled, “Hymns of Our Redeemer.” “The Seashore” is the visual theme of this DVD. This series, like our first set, “Comforting Words of Grace,” is prepared expressly for the elderly and infirm. As is the case with all our materials, these videos are prayerfully prepared to encourage them in their faith in Christ as they struggle with the unique difficulties of aging and chronic illness. In addition to distribution to local facilities, we partner with missionaries in nursing home ministry all over the United States to place these resources in the feeble hands of nursing home residents.
We joyfully close this note with a doxology from Holy Scripture: To the only wise God our Saviour, beglory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen (Jude 1:25).