Dear Friends,devotional
Christian nursing home ministry greetings to all of you! We are grateful to announce we have completed two milestones in this missionary work:
1) We have gone back to all the individual hymns in the DVD series, “Comforting Words of Grace” and “Praise to Our Redeemer” and added the lyrics of each song visibly on screen. It just made sense to us to do all we can to take advantage of this medium in our effort to communicate the message in these hymns to as many elderly and infirm as possible. To sing the songs and put the words to the songs on screen is logical because, as you know, some residents have poor hearing and some have poor eyesight in the long-term care population.
2) We have completed the second devotional video, “Love Lifted Me,” in our new series, “Praise to Our Redeemer Devotionals.” These devotionals build on the hymns and their accompanying scriptures used in our two DVD series (see above). This is a milestone because it gives us momentum and confidence to have completed the first two especially since our target is all 27 hymns in both of the DVD series noted above (that’s 54 devotionals altogether). Each one of these videos absorb a lot of hours in preparation and then hours of recording and editing on the computer.
These materials, and all that we do in this nursing home ministry, is our attempt to be an encouragement to the Christian residents in care centers in their faith in Jesus Christ. The battle to trust and obey our Lord does not get easier just because we are older or struggling with a physical illness. The enemy of our soul has no pity, no compassion. He is motivated only by thievery, murder and destruction of our victory in Christ. He has no soft heart for Christians when they are suffering. We must do all we can do to support them as God’s little ones who stand in need of endurance and peace and joy and trust. Often, care facility residents are enduring a battle for their faith that many of us can only imagine.
And so, our materials are an attempt to address this conflict in the lives of Christian nursing home residents. But not just the Christians…if there is an openness in any of the residents to the message of the Gospel, our materials are there to shine a light of eternal hope for them too!
As simple and as flawed as our materials may be, we offer these humble products as tools in the hands of the Holy Spirit. We are asking Him to take “our little loaf of bread and our two fish” and multiply them in His hands to the edification, the building up, of His children in this distressed population. Our attempts are futile without His blessing. With His blessing, our little becomes much to the furtherance of His Kingdom in the hearts of His people – even His people in nursing homes! Hallelujah!!! What an honor to serve the King!
Our gratitude goes out to you also! We have to say it: we would be in pitiful shape if you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, did not faithfully support us with your prayers and your donations. Thank you! It is an honor to have each of you working with us as you are able. And, we should say that we value your prayer support far more than your finances. Love to you all!
Blessings, in the name of Jesus Christ,