Favorite Hymns of Grace
Spark the memories and ignite the faith of our friends
living in long-term care settings. NO CHARGE!
Christian Concourse prints and distributes a large-print “hymnal” specially for use in long-term care facility ministry. We call it Favorite Hymns of Grace. Measuring 5 1/2 by 8 1/2, it is a lightweight paperback that includes the words to 27 old-time favorite hymns listed below. (The music score is not included.) The hymns are in Times New Roman font, sized at approximately 18 point. There is a page with a brief description of the Gospel and three pages of favorite, large-print scriptures taken from the King James Version. Every song has a relevant passage of scripture included at the bottom of the page.
To provide musical accompaniment for Favorite Hymns of Grace, we have produced an instrumental and a vocal CD. The songs on the CDs are in the same order as they are in the booklet.
For “.MP3” music files of our instrumental and vocal accompaniment for “Favorite Hymns of Grace” that you can listen to and download….CLICK HERE….
The hymn booklet and the CDs are available to volunteers who do nursing home ministry and activity directors (or other staff) of care centers. All you need to do is simply contact us (preferably by phone, to avoid confusion).
We have produced a set of Christian meditational DVDs using the vocal and instrumental music on the CDs of “Favorite Hymns of Grace.” The set is called, Comforting Words of Grace. Each DVD is about 1 hour long and nine of the hymns are on each one in the order that they are in the hymn booklet. Remember to request a set of the videos for your facility when you call for hymnbooks.
These ministry tools are NOT FOR SALE! We will give you as many as you need as long as we are able. All of our materials are produced expressly for the benefit of residents in long-term care settings. We are inviting you to help us put this resource in the hands of the residents you minister to. Again, as our resources allow, we will send them at no charge to you via U.S. Mail.
As we print, collate, staple, fold, trim, count, box and mail each of these little booklets, we do so with prayer motivated by compassion for the residents that you, the volunteer or staff member on the front line, minister to. We pray God’s blessing and the anointing of the Holy Spirit on your labor for Him to the elderly and the infirm.
Hymns in “Favorite Hymns of Grace”:
- Jesus Saves
- O How I Love Jesus
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- I Need Thee Every Hour
- Blessed Assurance
- Amazing Grace
- My Faith Looks Up to Thee
- Sweet Hour of Prayer
- Blest Be the Tie that Binds
- Just a Closer Walk with Thee
- Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
- ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
- Only Trust Him
- Rock of Ages
- Trust and Obey
- When We All Get to Heaven
- Revive Us Again
- At Calvary
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- Higher Ground
- Standing on the Promises
- At the Cross
- The Old Rugged Cross
- Were You There?
- How Firm a Foundation
- It Is Well with My Soul
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Large Print Scriptures included in the back of the booklet:
- John 3:16-17
- Ephesians 2:4-10
- Micah 6:8
- Matthew 11:28-30
- Proverbs 3:5-6
- Psalm 19:14
- John 15:7-12
- Philippians 4:6-8
- Psalm 23
- Psalm 117
- Revelation 21:2-5
To read the two summaries of the Good News of Jesus Christ that we include in both “Favorite Hymns of Grace” and “Hymns of Our Redeemer” ….CLICK HERE….
For individual pages of giant print versions of all the hymns in “Favorite Hymns of Grace” and “Hymns of Our Redeemer” in “.PDF” format that you can download and print …..CLICK HERE…..