Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Greetings in Jesus’ name! In opening this short letter to our supporters, we want to say we deeply appreciate each of you and the love you show us with your support! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
This month is special for us as we are wading through a particularly sticky patch. Dar had reverse shoulder replacement surgery early in the month. This is on her dominant side. Her recovery is progressing very well, but the difficulties of life without use of the right arm are challenging, to say the least! As a result of her reduced capacities, I have come to an even greater appreciation for all that she does in support of this ministry (and this minister)! Even with her arm in a brace 23 hours a day, I still enjoy the strength and encouragement that fellowship with her brings. And, I still benefit from the stability and focus and guidance that her thoughtful, honest, loving counsel affords me! In reflection, I can truthfully say, I marvel at the love and wisdom of our God in His provision for me when He caused our paths to cross.
Though things are not progressing at a fast pace, we are still working on the video project we are calling “Praise to Our Redeemer Devotionals.” These are designed as nursing home ministry tools but we believe that most Christians would find them edifying to their faith in Christ. Each video is based on one of the 27 hymns in our hymn booklet, “Praise to Our Redeemer.” Hopefully, in the near future, they will be made available on our website as we complete them. We would be honored if you could take the time to check them out.
I believe we have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: orders for our large-print hymn and scripture booklets and the CDs and DVDs that accompany them continue to come in at a pace much increased compared to the last three years. The lock-down forced upon the care center industry is getting more and more relaxed in most parts of the country. This is good news to the residents! It is hard enough to bear the trials of long-term care residency without a pandemic. Many facilities were forced to limit their population to staying in their rooms; interaction with other residents ceased; visitors were restricted to waving to them through the window; and volunteers and ministers were prohibited from entering the facility! You can imagine the strain this was on the residents and on the staff also! Thank God for the many volunteers who are willing and able to pick up the torch of nursing home ministry again! We encourage prayer for the owners, the administrators, the staff, the volunteers and the residents of our nation’s care centers.
Another great source for materials and training for nursing home ministry is God Cares Ministry. They are out of Cleveland, Ohio and, in our opinion, they have the broadest reach and the widest array of resources for Christian ministry to care centers in the country. Though many of their offerings are not free, they are fairly priced. Their website would be the best place to start investigating the great gift they are to this mission field. Their URL is:
Please Note: We are experiencing problems with some of the links to material on our ministry website. We are working on a resolution to this issue which is proving to be a bit elusive. This website is our vital connection to those who are searching for free resources designed especially for Christian ministry in the long-term care arena.
In closing, let us say again, we are grateful to each of you who encourage us with your support and who intercede for us in prayer before the Throne of God. God answers prayer!
Love in Christ: