Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings in the precious name of Jesus, our Lord. We thought it would be appropriate to share with you parts of some of the cards and letters we have received over the last few months. They are very encouraging to us. We trust you also will be blessed by the remarks they make about the missionary work of this nursing home ministry since so many of you pray for us and kindly support us financially.
“Thank you for the hymnals you sent to [our church] for use in our communion services at the three nursing homes in our area. The large print and light weight hymnals are much needed. K. H.
The books arrived and will be put to use next Wednesday. Thank you so much and may our Lord continue to bless your ministry. B. B.
Thank you for responding so quickly to meet the needs of the nursing home ministry. You are a blessing! I sent a small donation and I plan to sew seeds as I am able. I have been spreading the word about your ministry because it is needed and is such a God-Send. I’ll let you know how the residents react to the books and music. God’s favor to you and your ministry, L. F.
Several weeks ago I was at a memory care center. The patients there are in various stages of Alzheimers or Dementia. As you say in your letter, they are rolled into the dining room for the “church service” – they are often confused and upset and not sure what is happening. Once I pray and the first hymn is started (I use your books and CDs) I can see a change begin to come over them. By the end of the service, their demeanor and the whole atmosphere has changed. Jesus has joined us, and now beautiful singing is coming forth. They do know the words. They do know the Lord is there. They say the Lord’s prayer in unison. They are smiling, joyful, thanking me for coming. I speak the name of Jesus as many times as I can in the time we have, and show each resident as much love as I can as I go around and help them turn pages. I assure them that Jesus loves them. One song about Jesus can change the whole day – and of course He can change a whole life! Even the life of an elderly memory care patient! Thank you so much for your resources! May the Lord bless you, J. B.
I am so glad that I found your ministry’s website. I am planning to put the materials that you offer on there to good use. They were obviously conceived with the idea of nursing home ministry in mind. What a blessing it is to have these new tools in my ministry toolbox, ready to use! It is obvious to me that you have had a lot of experience with the elderly, and that yours is a ministry of love. Though I myself have only been going to the nursing home for about two months now, I am already finding it so rewarding and I am also realizing God’s blessing in the work. These precious nursing home residents are in the autumn of their lives, and they deserve to have an opportunity to hear the gospel. I want to say “Thank you!” for everything that you are doing to help those who labor in this field and know that it is deeply appreciated. Keep up the good work! D. S.
Dear friends, please know that we certainly intend to “keep up the good work” as the Lord gives us the strength and the wherewithal to do so. We also thank each of you for the vital part you play in our support. And we thank you for your love for the residents of care centers all over the country. We love you.